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Showing posts from 2020

I'm Kind of a Big Deal

I know, I know, it's been FOR-EV-ER. I had to do a piece of reflective writing for a class and it was like all of a sudden, my reflexive writing muscles just started working again. (That's a lie. I had to stop and "rest" and read Twitter many times in the actual creating of this. BUT, I may write more? Soon?) __ Literally seconds after submitting this reflection paper, my apps judge me. This year, it seems wrong to celebrate. There’s so much going on in the wider world that overt joy is almost inappropriate. Couple that with a lack of in-person social interaction, and my biggest Thing this year hardly merits its capital letter. It’s still big news to me, so I’m going to celebrate it here. With you. The day it was announced via email that we wouldn’t be returning to school, we also got the link to the form to nominate Teacher and Classified Staff of the Year. My immediate thought was, “This is ridiculous - we are ALL teacher of the year this year -...